Friday, June 5, 2009

The Reform we need Period.

Senate GOP: Change the system -- Page 1 -- Times Union - Albany NY:2038:

Please click and read this. This is the reform I was talking about tonight at the fundraiser.

Thanks Len

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  1. While agree with the sentiment of the argument, the problem with this story is that the people who are calling for reform now, were the absolute biggest offenders when they had the majority in the Senate.

    This whole press conference was written off as political grandstanding by the Skelos and Co. including non other than John Bonicac. The sub text under the headline had it right. New Republican minority sees many problems now that they lack major political clout

    "Why didn't we do it then? We should have. … There's been a change of attitude," said Bonacic -- Always is John when you are all of a sudden on the short end of the stick.

    Again good sentiment and idea,wrong messengers.

  2. Len, this sounds like a great idea. But how come these type of ideas are always put forth by the minority party and then quickly forgotten once that party is in power.

    This is why people don't even pay attention to articles like this anymore, they are tired of hearing the same old stuff. Help us get elected so that we can fix the problems of the world. Then as soon as we elect them they do what ever they want.

  3. 3:31 & Jeremiah - In reading the article, I think Senator Bonacic pointed out that a fear factor was the issue when Senator Bruno was the Majority Leader. As you know Senator Bonacic said:

    If a member had proposed reducing the role of the leader during Bruno's reign, Bonacic said, "Maybe they would lose a chairmanship; maybe they would lose staff. � You understand fear?" (Bruno's grip on the chamber didn't stop Bonacic from calling for his ouster from the leadership in December 2006, after an investigation into Bruno's business dealings was first made public.)

    In my opinion, the fact that Senator Bonacic called for Majority Leader Senator Bruno's ouster gives him credibility to speak out on this matter now.

  4. as long as that reform includes a spot for your wife in the legislature. Looks like another tough year for the GOP with your wife on the ticket.
    Maybe she still has some ants left that she can use in the campaign

    Charlie the Tuna

  5. But the Democrats won't have the same situation? Why was that excuse acceptable for Bonicac and it is not good for the Democrats? Speaking out and acting are 2 different things. Bonicac could have stood by his principles, but instead, he caved and stuck with the status quo. Your hero worship of Bonicac is misguided. He is as much a part of the problem as anyone.

  6. 8:07 is correct. If it was so important to Bonacic, why did he wait until now to call a press conference. The deed is done, the budget is in, the session ends in days and most importantly, he did nothing about it when he was in the Majority.

    Bonacic is using you. Wake up. He is trying to turn the Independence party into a wing of the Republican party. I had great hope for you but it looks like you are just a patsy for the Republicans. Len, I honestly thought you were smarter than that.

  7. Hear you did well at the fundraiser last night. In fact, I heard it was just chuck full of prospective Independence candidates, none from the Independence party but hey, what's the difference right?

    Were any endorsements announced last night? Or, do you have to wait for the checks to clear? I will bet that if a candidate was not there last night, they will not be endorsed. Unless of course, it is part of one of your big wheeler dealer arrangements. You should be proud to be so "independent".

  8. I'm defending Bernardo here, there were 2 Independence Party candidates there, the only two that are running in the entire County.... one was Councilman in Saugerties and the other was a Supervisor from Highland. Bernardo has to do his job and help to get them elected and go the major parties and them to support those candidates in the election. As to your other accusations... that's just politics.... what you Abe from Kingston Truth?

  9. I agree with you that Bonicac did more than most because he had the guts to at least publicly speak out against Bruno. But the fact still remains that these stunts are used very often by the minority party whether Republican or Democrat.

    The democrats are now in power after years of telling us they will fix the state, but now they use the cop out of Silver (take out Bruno insert Silver) is running things or the NYC reps are the reason things aren't getting fixed. We need people that are in office to help the people and not themselves. Heck we just went through a group of three democrats from the Senate selling their majority leader votes for committee assignments, control of certain issues and other perks. How is that doing the best for the residents of this state.

  10. Why can't we all just agree we need reform? Stop the bickering and the "you didn't do it, so why should we"

    You all sound like a bunch of children "I know you are, but what am I"...

    Really. Grow up and fix the State.

  11. I am not Abe, but if he said that, I agree with him.

  12. So what is worse, 3 men in a room in Albany or 3 men on the phone in Ulster County? Walk the talk Len.

  13. 12:42. Boy did you nail it on the head. Len is playing the old do as I say, not as I do game. Albany's version of 3 men in a room. Catalano, Schriebman and Bernardo. Good analogy. It is no surprise Bernardo has Bonacic as a mentor.

  14. What happened with Felicello at your event? WOW!!!!

  15. Bonacic was the ONLY GOP Senator to try and take on the system when the Republicans were in power. Larkin stood for Joe Bruno. Bonacic stood up to him. If Kevin Cahill fought Shelly Silver the way John Bonacic fought Joe Bruno maybe old Shelly would pay attention to us and give us property tax reform.

  16. 12:42 and 5:00 you guys are full of it. Everyone knows Bernardo spent a boat load of his money to run for Count Exec last year.

    Here's a guy who's retired from Wall Street and could be sitting on a beach on the French Riveria but instead he takes out Dietrich, who was only using the INdependence party for his own personal gain.

    There is a new enthusiasm for the Independence Party. I applaud anyone who steps out of the private sector or out of retirement to make the case for lower taxes and smaller govrenment.
    Sounds like 1242 and 500 are jealous.
