Tuesday, April 28, 2009

KCR Redux

When I started this blog I thought it would be a great way to build discussion points for the Radio show on KCR. I hit a bump in the road with Walter Maxwell and as the poll showed he got some political pressure not to have me on the Wednesday show. I will continue the fight to get the Independence voice out to the taxpayers of Ulster County on KCR. I am thinking of asking Hugh Reynolds("KING MAKER") to start a Blog with me, yes the "King of the Universe" (as Hugh called me) in his column for help.
Last Monday I was asked to host the show with Gary Bischoff. It was the first show and it went very well. We took several calls, one caller was happy to get the Independence voice or opinion, hoped it will continue. We took three or four calls about the plastic bag Resolution asking the Taxpayers to dig in the pockets for Ten Cents a plastic bag to encourage the use of cloth reusable bags. For those of you who don't know where the Independence party stands on this issue, I will just say it is issue of less legislation we don't need a law we need more education. Please understand this is not a TAX, the money is collected by the stores as revenue, that does not go to the County. After the show Gary and I had a cup of coffee and discussed other ways to reduce the use of plastic bags and to encourage the use of cloth bags without charging us a dime. I can only hope he was listening. Remember what I said during my campaign we are not ATM machines and we do not want to see ONE MORE TAX. Please come out to the public hearing for the plastic bags. While Gary is thinking about having me on every other Monday please call in and ask him to let me be his co host on Monday's. Let your voices be heard. Please be respectful, name calling as one caller found out will not be tolerated and you will be disconnected.
Thanks, Len

1 comment:

  1. I don't care what you call it. It is a TAX. It is money that is coming out of the consumer's pocket because of government action. This seems to be our county governments solution for everything. The fact that it is ENRICHING the stores instead of the County makes even less sense than most other taxes instituted to change behavior. BTW who is going to regulate the stores to make sure they have the paper bags. What is their motivation to have the paper bags if they make a 1000% profit margin off the plastic. Most people take whatever bag they are offered. I also question whether this is legal given that only stores of certain sizes are subject to the law and the smaller ones are not. How do you justify that legally. The whole thing is stupid. Either do it right or do not do it at all. If they think the bags are such a bad thing, then make the bags illegal. If that is not possible, then go to the stores and give them some kind of break for not using them. Or as you say, ask the stores to pay for educating the consumer about the bags effects of Environ. The stores are more able to bear this burden than the taxpayer. DO NOT MAKE US PAY MORE. I like using the bags, I always recycle them and use them again. If they are offered, I should be able to use them for the same price, whether that fool Bischoff likes them or not. I do not want to carry boxes with me when I go to the store twice a month to do my shopping for five people. That would require me to carry four or five boxes or ten cloth bags. Gary needs to stop telling others how they should be living and get out there and pick up some of those plastic bags himself if he is seeing so many of them.
